miercuri, 6 iunie 2012

luni, 19 septembrie 2011

Greece in 2011

This video was made for the British-Hellenic Chamber conference in London 2 weeks ago and was played at the beginning of the conference. It seems that it has made a great impression and gathered people together to fight FOR Greece instead of knocking it down all the time!!
 S. Constantinos

marți, 28 iunie 2011

KORZYBSKI - Time Binding: The General Theory

Printed by the Graphic Press, 39 W. 8th St., N. Y. C.
Photographs by the Fernand Studios, N. Y. C.
 Presented in abstract before the International
Mathematical Congress, August, 1924, Toronto, Canada
(This paper is a summary of a larger work on Human Engineering soon to be published.)

 ALL HUMAN knowledge is conditioned and limited, at present, by the properties of light and human symbolism. The solution of all human problems depends upon inquiries into these two conditions and limitations.
Einstein's theory is a fundamental inquiry and application of the known properties of light; theirrefutable minimum of his theory results in an entirely new world conception, as beautiful and cheerful as the old ones were gloomy and despairing.
The minimum of our inquiry into the structure of human knowledge and symbolism is also irrefutable, and this beginning, imperfect as it may be, has already enormous beneficial consequences.
Einstein's theory was the application of modern scientific methods to the universe, man excluded. The present inquiry includes man in the field of modern science. As a result, both theories meet on a common ground.
The theory presented here is broader than Einstein's. It may be proved that the whole of the theory of relativity can be deduced from the application of correct symbolism to facts; so that the general theory of Time-binding includes the general theory of relativity as a particular case.

marți, 17 mai 2011

2011+55 ANI

"Bugetul trebuie echilibrat,
Tezaurul trebuie reaprovizionat,
Datoria publica trebuie micşorata,
Aroganţa funcţionarilor publici trebuie moderata şi controlata, şi
Ajutorul dat altor ţari trebuie eliminat
pentru ca Roma sa nu dea faliment. 
Oamenii trebuie sa înveţe din nou sa munceasca,
în loc sa traiasca pe spinarea statului."
( CICERO , anul 55 î.H.) 

miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011


preluat din www.rodulpamantului.blogspot.com

Oamenii muncesc in general prea mult pentru a mai putea fi ei insisi. Munca este un blestem. Iar omul a facut din acest blestem o voluptate. A munci din toate fortele numai pentru munca, a gasi o bucurie intr-un efort care nu duce decit la realizari irelevante, a concepe ca te poti realiza numai printr-o munca obiectiva si neincetata, iata ceea ce este revoltator si ininteligibil.

Munca sustinuta si neincetata tampeste, trivializeaza si impersonalizeaza. Ea deplaseaza centrul de preocupare si interes din zona subiectiva intr-o zona obiectiva a lucrurilor, intr-un plan fad de obiectivitate. Omul nu se intereseaza atunci de destinul sau personal, de educatia lui launtrica, de intensitatea unor fosforescente interne si de realizarea unei prezente iradiante, ci de fapte, de lucruri. Munca adevarata, care ar fi o activitate de continua transfigurare, a devenit o activitate de exteriorizare, de iesire din centrul fiintei.. Este caracteristic ca in lumea moderna munca indica o activitate exclusiv exterioara.

De aceea, prin ea omul nu se realizeaza, ci realizeaza..

Faptul ca fiecare om trebuie sa aiba o cariera, sa intre intr-o forma de viata care aproape niciodata nu-i convine, este expresia acestei tendinte de imbecilizare prin munca.

Sa muncesti pentru ca sa traiesti, iata o fatalitate care la om e mai dureroasa decit la animal. Caci la acesta activitatea este atat de organica, incat el n-o separa de existenta sa proprie, pe cind omul isi da seama de plusul considerabil pe care-l adauga fiintei sale complexul de forme al muncii. In frenezia muncii, la om se manifesta una din tendintele lui de a iubi raul, cind acesta este fatal si frecvent. Si in munca omul a uitat de el insusi.
Dar n-a uitat ajungand la naivitatea simpla si dulce, ci la o exteriorizare vecina cu imbecilitatea. Prin munca a devenit din subiect obiect, adica un animal, cu defectul de a fi mai putin salbatic. In loc ca omul sa tinda la o prezenta stralucitoare in lume, la o existenta solara si sclipitoare, in loc sa traiasca pentru el insusi - nu in sens de egoism, ci de crestere interioara - a ajuns un rob pacatos si impotent al realitatii din afara.

Viata ti se petrece intr-o rutina obositoare (de la a da cu sapa, pana la a aduna cifrele intr-un cabinet de contabil si chiar pana la a preda aceeasi materie, ani de-a randul, elevilor de aceeasi varsta), pe care cand o termini, nu mai poti face altceva decat sa dormi, pentru a o putea lua de la cap a doua zi..

Munca in exces dezumanizeaza si de aceea e imperativ sa vedem munca cel mult ca pe un rau necesar, ce trebuie evitat sau scurtat ori de cate ori avem ocazia, daca vrem sa ne pastram integritatea fizica si sanatatea mintala.

In consecinta, repet ca cei care umbla dupa placeri scumpe, chiar daca au, uneori, un mic plus de satisfactie dintr-o mancare luata la un restaurant de lux, fata de cea luata la cantina, sunt per total in pierdere, daca au facut nesabuinta sa munceasca pentru a avea banii pentru respectiva distractie.

vineri, 25 martie 2011

Alternative money and complementary currency

by Sylvain Coiplet

Todays states are desperately trying to protect their currencies against speculators working globaly. However they were themselves the ones who started to degrade their own currency to a make-believe value.

Money limited in time

The reason why money is so handy is that it can stand for any kind of product and eases enormously the exchange. However when states print it, it tends to lose every connection to economical reality. A stamp is set upon it and its value should be so and so much worth - for ever. Although the amount on it remains constant, its value diminishes. Not to mention that states welcome inflation because they can thus more easily get rid of their debts, they are in any case the false address when it comes to connect a currency to economical production.

It is thus a basic request of a social threefolding that the state hands over its responsability for the currency to economical organisations. These will have to see to it themselves that the currency's worth neither plummets in the depths nor soars too high, so as to make exports almost impossible.

duminică, 27 februarie 2011

Aristotel, Korzybski, E-Prime & A.E.Van Vogt

General semantics identifies itself as being "non-Aristotelian" in that it seeks to go beyond the theory of axioms and thus the roots of Western scientific logic. However, Aristotle also spoke of four natural causes: material, efficient, formal and final. Western science, which claims to be "Aristotelian" has focused primarily on Aristotle's material cause, has given little consideration to efficient and formal cause, and has excluded his final cause altogether. 

vineri, 11 februarie 2011

Steve Jobs On Death

The Power 9 - Centenarians' BLUE ZONE

The Power 9 are specific lifestyle habits shared by the world’s longest living people. These lessons emphasize making changes to your environment that will influence your habits.

1. Just Move
The world’s longest-lived people don’t pump iron, run marathons or join gyms.  Instead, they live in environments that constantly nudge them into moving without thinking about it.  They live in places where they can walk to the store, to their friends house or places of worship, their houses have stairs, they have gardens in their yards.

Consider making things a little inconvenient.  Make that extra trip up or down the stairs instead of loading things at the top or bottom to take up later, walk to your airport gate instead of taking the moving walkway, park far from the entrance, walk a dog, do your own yard and house work, get rid of some the time saving electronics and power equipment that have “simplified” your life.

2. Purpose Now
Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy. The Okinawans call it “ikigai” and the Nicoyans call it “plan de vida;” for both it translates to “why I wake up in the morning.”  Do an internal inventory. Be able to articulate your values, passions, gifts and talents.  What are the things you like to do and the things you don’t? Then incorporate ways to put your skills into action.

3. Down Shift
Even people in the Blue Zones experience  stress.  Stress leads to chronic inflammation which is associated with every major age-related disease.  What the world’s longest-lived people have that we don’t are routines to shed that stress.  Okinawans take a few moments each day to remember their ancestors, Adventists pray, Ikarians take a nap and Sardinians do happy hour.  Find a stress shedding strategy that works for you and make it routine.

4. 80% Rule
Marketers tell us we can eat our way to health.  America has eating its way well beyond health.  Our strategy focuses on taking things out — instead of putting more things in — our diet.   “Hara hachi bu”  – the Okianawan, 2500-year old Confusion mantra said before meals reminds them to stop eating when their stomach is 80 percent full.  The 20% gap between not being hungry and feeling full could be the difference between losing weight or gaining it.  Serve food at the counter, store leftovers, then sit down to enjoy the meal. Replace your big dishes with 10” plates. Remove TV’s from the kitchen.  People in the Blue Zones eat their smallest meal in the late afternoon or early evening and then they don’t eat any more the rest of the day.

5. Plant Slant
Go ahead and eat meat if you want.  But consider it a condiment and try the leanest, finest meat you can afford. Try to limit it to a portion the size of a deck of cards and only twice per week.  Beans, including fava, black and soy and lentils are the cornerstone of most centenarian diets.  Snacking on nuts–about a handful a day has been associated with and extra 2-3 years of life expectancy.

6. Wine @ 5
Moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers.  The trick is to drink 1-2 drinks per day (preferably Sardinian Cannonau wine), with friends and/or with food.  And no, you can’t save up all weekend and have 14 drinks on Saturday.

7. Belong
All but five of the 263 centenarians we interviewed belonged to some faith-based community.  It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish or some other religion that meets as a community.  Research shows that attending faith-based services four times per month will add 4-14 years of life expectancy.

8. Loved Ones First
Successful centenarians in the Blue Zones put their families first. This means keeping your aging parents and grandparents near by or in your home. (It lowers disease and mortality rates of children in the home too.) Work on being in a positive, committed relationship (which can add up to 3 years of life expectancy)  and invest in your children with time and love. (They’ll be more likely to care for you when the time comes.)

9. Right Tribe
The world’s longest lived people chose–or were born into–social circles that supported health behaviors   Okinawans created ”moais”–groups of five friends that committed to each other for life.  Research from the Framingham Studies show that smoking, obesity, happiness, and  even loneliness is contagious.   Assessing who you hang out with, and then proactively surrounding yourself with the right friends, will do more to add years to your life than just about anything else

joi, 10 februarie 2011

sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

joi, 20 ianuarie 2011